Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: August 2017

Ms. Maria Nowicki是她在Fenwick教数学的第10个年头....
What is your educational background?
MN: I have a BS from the Kelley School of Business [at Indiana University]; majored in Quantitative Business Analysis. Master of Arts from Dominican University in Teaching.

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?​
MN: 80年代末,我刚从学校毕业,就在IBM的一个部门——控制数据公司工作. 我是程序员和销售人员之间的接口. 我喜欢它,因为它将我的编程背景与日常客户沟通结合起来.

What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
MN: I am just finishing The Secret Life of Bees. 我喜欢阅读,在夏天补上我的阅读. During the school year, 我丈夫取笑我,因为我拿着微积分前的书(我最喜欢的书)睡着了。.

What interests do you pursue outside the classroom? 
MN: I enjoy tennis, golf, reading, walking and traveling. I love food, dining and cooking.  为我爱的人做饭和烘焙,尤其是家人和朋友,是我最喜欢做的事情.

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?  
MN: 我非常喜欢体育运动:篮球、田径、垒球和田径.  我是年鉴工作人员中最投入和最忠诚的.  我是体育部的编辑,甚至参加了两个夏天的年鉴夏令营.

Which clubs/Sports/Activities do you run at Fenwick? 
MN: I have coached all levels of Scholastic Bowl, all levels of bowling, math club, Friar Mentors, tennis and Kairos. 我喜欢当田径教练,当网球教练也很有趣,网球是我最喜欢的运动. 我在修士导师项目中遇到了很多很棒的学生. 我总是对那些在课前和课后抽出时间帮助别人的学生印象深刻. 这些学生就是esball世博的宗旨:回馈社会.  

MN: It is difficult to be objective, but they are hard-working, thrive on discipline, understand how to study and, for the most part, are very appreciative of education.

MN: 我出身于教育世家,一直都很喜欢孩子. When I worked at Control Data in the 1980s, 当涉及到计算机和程序时,我解释得很好. 我成了一名企业培训师,喜欢教大班的人. I felt good when people "got it" for the first time. I started a family and went back to school. 我花了八年才拿到教学硕士学位,但是, during that time, 我给高中生辅导数学,意识到我可以把对教学的热爱和对年轻人的热爱结合起来.

MN: I never thought I would say this: patience. 我从来不认为自己有耐心,但为人父母教会了你耐心. 我也觉得学生们觉得我很公平,我很关心他们. 我喜欢年轻人,遇到他们的事我很宽容.  

What do you like most about teaching as a career?
MN: I love coming to Fenwick every day! 我喜欢能够分享我对数学的热爱,解决问题,成为一个终身学习者.

What is your philosophy of education?
MN: 我们很幸运生活在世界上有机会接受教育的地方. When students ask “why is this important?“我试图回答说,他们可能不记得三角公式,但他们会知道如何解决问题, 批判性思考或演绎推理通过法律案件, 编写程序或设计桥梁或其他重要结构. Education is about reading, to open your eyes to the world; communicating, through writing and speech, 用深思熟虑来表达自己,用推理和逻辑来解决问题.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
MN: Success is when a student, a former student, 告诉你,你已经影响了他们的生活. There have been many moments I would call success. My first year teaching, 一个女孩从座位上跳了起来,说她“终于明白了,数学太酷了。."  

我最大的成功是当我教中级代数II和这些学生两年. 他们四年前就毕业了,他们取得的成就超出了我的想象. Many of them went on to be successful in math. 教这群学生是我最大的成功. 我和他们中的大多数人保持着联系,他们在课堂上和课外都非常成功. I am so proud of them.

MN: Technology! It can be so wonderful and be such a distraction.  

MN: My lectures are interactive. 在介绍一个主题时,我会在讨论中要求学生提出见解或提示. 通常情况下,学生有一个很好的方式来解释或阐述一个话题.

What is the most meaningful thing you do at Fenwick?
MN: 我从esball世博开始就参与凯洛斯了. 我一直觉得这是我参与过的最有意义的事情. 我现在是凯洛斯公司的主管,将接替她的工作. Lucy White. 许多学生都说凯洛斯是在esball世博或高中“最好的经历”. 看到学生们因为这段经历而更接近上帝或“找到信仰”,并致力于修复关系,这是很美妙的. It is an honor to be part of this retreat.
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